#Properties file for org.Yocto.sdk.ide page.name.0 = Yocto Project ADT extension.name.0 = YoctoSDKNature extension.name.1 = YoctoSDKAutotoolsNature extension.name.2 = YoctoSDKCMakeNature command.name = ReconfigureYoctoProject command.label.0 = Change Yocto Project Settings command.mnemonic = C command.targetProfileSwitch.name = Change Target Profile command.targetProfileSwitch.label = Target Profiles command.targetProfileSwitch.description = Changes the target profile of a selected project command.targetProfileSwitch.parameter.name = Selected Target Profile projectType.name.0 = Yocto Project ADT Autotools Project projectProperties.label.0 = Yocto Project Settings Bundle-Vendor = yoctoproject.org Bundle-Name = Yocto Plugin IDE